Why Us?

You’re a manager of a growing business. Sales have been increasing, but its been increasingly hard to spend time with prospective customers. You find you are constantly changing hats, tackling sales issues one moment, accounting issues the next, and fixing your website after hours. You feel busy, but you rarely feel you are getting ahead.

If this description resonates with you, it may be time to re-evaluate how you are creating value in your business.

At Tiny Briefcase, our goal is to deliver the most value for the least amount of your money. We have developed a number of service packages that target areas where small improvements can make big impacts on the bottom line.

Drawing on our deep experience starting, managing, and consulting to small businesses, we take the time to understand how your business really works. We then develop a plan that removes the things that are holding you back, allowing you to focus on what matters most: working with customers.


The Value We Deliver

Many of our clients come to us after trying unsuccessfully to find a solution to their business challenge. If any of the common situations in the chart below sound familiar, talk to us to learn how we can help your business get ahead without slowing down.<Click Table to Enlarge>

Table of Benefits of Tiny Briefcase Services vs. Traditional Solutions